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The Zebra Club
Medical Disclaimer

Clients and purchasers of any online exercise classes from Dibons Ltd are advised not to undertake strenuous physical activities without first seeking medical advice.

The classes in The Zebra Club app are modified and designed for hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) and symptomatic hypermobility / asymptomatic hypermobility and chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia.   Some classes may not be suitable for people with Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (vEDS) and other rarer types of EDS.   Please ensure you discuss any exercises or classes with your medical doctor before starting if you have one of these rarer types of EDS.

If you have not exercised before or in a while, we recommend checking with your medical professional before beginning any new exercise or nutritional programme.

If you are pre or postnatal please check it is safe for you to exercise or change diet. If in any doubt about your physical or mental fitness or ability to undertake any of the courses or use of the information provided on this site, you should consult your medical professional.

You should also keep your medical professional informed of any change in your health which may affect your ability to exercise or follow nutritional advice given here. We request you follow all instructions given in the exercise classes carefully.

It is your responsibility to ensure you are capable of undergoing a routine of exercises provided by any programme which you decide to follow.

Dibons Ltd can accept no liability for personal injury related to participation in a session if a)your doctor has advised you on health grounds against such exercise b) you fail to observe instructions, techniques or advice given in any of the programmes or content provided here and c) such injury is caused by negligence of another person.

We reserve the right to make alterations to any sessions or advice without notice.